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Clear colours and original forms, avant-garde and simplicity are our DNA.
The mission is to convey the aesthetic experience and arouse emotions with the help of small utility forms.

Our design is the result of everyday experiences, inspiration from art, nature and travel.
We offers a subtle, yet distinctive luxury goods that integrate effortlessly into a modern wardrobe.


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We glimpsed the goddess Demeter descending from Olympus as she does every year, to check the ripeness of fruits 

and vegetables. She still basks in the September sun, delights in theflowers, and marvels at the delicate threads of Indian summer.

She gently probes whether the sea water is still inviting for a swim. Soon, autumn will arrive, bringing a time of transformation and quiet reflection.

The 10 DecoArt collection is a subtle flirtation with the seasons, a dance of colors, and a nostalgic journey in the glow of the sun.

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